How Corruption is Affecting The Society

 In each and every day we hear about the word corruption. Do we really know what is corruption.

Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or organization which is entrusted in a position of authority in order to acquire illicit benefit or abuse of power for ones personal gain.

Type of corruption

1. Bribery 

2. Embezzlement

3. Nepotism and Favoritism

4. Extortion and Blackmail

Causes of Corruption in The Society

1. Lack of press freedom 

2. Greedy for money desires

3. High level of bureaucracy and inefficient administrative structures.

Effects of Corruption 

Corruption is a problem and has a negative impact on the society.

In most cases the parties involved do not keep in mind the risk they put to their families and the society at large.

Corruption affects the services provided to the society. That is what was supposed to benefit the society is instead directed to a few individuals.

There is high level of poverty due high level of corruption and this increases the gap between the rich and the poor.

How to Reduce Corruption in the Society

1. Ensure that public sector employees act in the public interest.

2. Help to stop dishonest practices.

3. Transparency and accountability in the          public sector.

4. Expose corrupt activities in the society.
